20 metaphors, each with its meaning and an example sentence:

1.        Time is a thief: Time passes quickly and often unnoticed, taking moments and opportunities with it.

o   Example: "Time is a thief that steals our youth."

2.      Heart of stone: To be unfeeling or emotionally cold.

o   Example: "Despite her heart of stone, she finally showed some compassion."

3.     The world is a stage: Life is like a play, and we are all actors with roles to perform.

o   Example: "Remember, the world is a stage, and we each have our part to play."

4.      A blanket of snow: Snow covering the ground evenly, like a blanket.

o   Example: "By morning, the town was under a thick blanket of snow."

5.     Light of my life: Someone who is very important and brings happiness.

o   Example: "My daughter is the light of my life."

6.     The apple of my eye: Someone cherished and adored.

o   Example: "He always talks about his son as the apple of his eye."

7.      Broken heart: Extreme emotional pain or sadness, typically from love lost.

o   Example: "She has a broken heart after her breakup."


8.     Voice of reason: A person who influences others to act sensibly.

o   Example: "Amidst the chaos, she was the voice of reason."

9.     Sea of faces: A large crowd of people.

o   Example: "He scanned the sea of faces for a familiar one."

10.   Roller coaster of emotions: Rapidly changing emotions.

o   Example: "Planning a wedding is a roller coaster of emotions."

11.     Fog of uncertainty: A state of confusion or lack of clarity.

o   Example: "The new policy left everyone in a fog of uncertainty."

12.   Wall of silence: An uncommunicative or unresponsive situation.

o   Example: "The investigation was met with a wall of silence."

13.   Jungle of confusion: A situation full of complexities and confusion.

o   Example: "The new tax law is a jungle of confusion."

14.   Ray of hope: A small sign or chance of improvement.

o   Example: "The new treatment offers a ray of hope for patients."

15.   Melting pot: A place where different cultures, ideas, or people blend together.

o   Example: "New York City is often described as a melting pot."

16.   Cloud of despair: A feeling of deep sadness or hopelessness.

o   Example: "He was under a cloud of despair after losing his job."

17.    The dawn of civilization: The beginning or early stages of human society.

o   Example: "Since the dawn of civilization, humans have sought to understand their world."

18.   A battle of wills: A conflict where each party is determined to win.

o   Example: "Negotiating with him was a battle of wills."

19.   Ocean of knowledge: A vast amount of information.

o   Example: "Libraries are oceans of knowledge waiting to be explored."

20.Heart of gold: A kind and generous nature.

o   Example: "Despite his gruff exterior, he has a heart of gold." 


20 more metaphors with their meanings and example sentences:

1.        A shining star: Someone who is exceptionally talented or outstanding.

o   Example: "She's the shining star of our team, always delivering top performance."

2.      The tip of the iceberg: A small, visible part of a much larger issue or problem.

o   Example: "The recent scandal is just the tip of the iceberg; there's much more to uncover."

3.     Time is money: Time is valuable and should be used efficiently.

o   Example: "We can't afford to waste time on this project because time is money."

4.      A storm in a teacup: A big fuss over something trivial.

o   Example: "Their argument was nothing more than a storm in a teacup."

5.     Walking on air: Feeling extremely happy or elated.

o   Example: "After winning the lottery, she was walking on air."

6.     Lionhearted: Brave and courageous.

o   Example: "The lionhearted firefighter saved the child from the burning building."

7.      The black sheep: Someone who is considered different from the rest of the family or group.

o   Example: "He's always been the black sheep of the family, pursuing a different path."

8.     Glass ceiling: An invisible barrier that prevents advancement.

o   Example: "Many women feel they still face a glass ceiling in their careers."

9.     The final nail in the coffin: The last in a series of events that leads to failure.

o   Example: "The company's bankruptcy was the final nail in the coffin for the struggling business."

10.   A breath of fresh air: Something new and refreshing.

o   Example: "Her innovative ideas were a breath of fresh air for the company."

11.     Like a fish out of water: Feeling out of place or uncomfortable.

o   Example: "He felt like a fish out of water at the fancy party."

12.   Castles in the air: Unrealistic or impractical dreams.

o   Example: "She loves to daydream and build castles in the air."

13.   A dark horse: A person who unexpectedly achieves success.

o   Example: "The newcomer turned out to be the dark horse of the competition."

14.   A drop in the ocean: An insignificant amount compared to what is needed.

o   Example: "Donating $5 is just a drop in the ocean compared to the millions required."

15.   A ray of sunshine: Someone or something that brings happiness.

o   Example: "Her cheerful disposition makes her a ray of sunshine in the office."

16.   On thin ice: In a precarious or risky situation.

o   Example: "He's on thin ice with his boss after missing another deadline."

17.    The root of the problem: The fundamental cause of an issue.

o   Example: "We need to address the root of the problem, not just its symptoms."

18.   A loose cannon: An unpredictable and potentially dangerous person.

o   Example: "His unpredictable behavior makes him a loose cannon in the team."

19.   Bridge the gap: To reduce the differences or bring together opposing sides.

o   Example: "We need to bridge the gap between management and employees."

20.Burning the midnight oil: Working late into the night.

o   Example: "She's been burning the midnight oil to finish her thesis."

Metaphors help create vivid imagery and make abstract concepts more relatable and easier to understand. 


Metaphors for NATA NID NIFT UCEED BARCH BDES Metaphors for NATA NID NIFT UCEED BARCH BDES Reviewed by CREATIVE SCIENCES on July 04, 2024 Rating: 5

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