
Throughout history, humans have developed several simple machines to make work easier. The most notable of these are known as the "six simple machines": the wheel and axle, the lever, the inclined plane, the pulley, the screw, and the wedge, although the latter three are actually just extensions or combinations of the first three,

Because work is defined as force acting on an object in the direction of motion, a machine makes work easier to perform by accomplishing one or more of the following functions:

  • transferring a force from one place to another,
  • changing the direction of a force,
  • increasing the magnitude of a force, or
  • increasing the distance or speed of a force.

Simple machines are devices with no, or very few, moving parts that make work easier. Many of today's complex tools are just combinations or more complicated forms of the six simple machines, according to the University of Colorado at Boulder(opens in new tab). For instance, we might attach a long handle to a shaft to make a windlass, or use a block and tackle to pull a load up a ramp. While these machines may seem simple, they continue to provide us with the means to do many things that we could never do without them.

Definition Of A Simple Machine

A mechanical device that changes the direction or magnitude of a force is known as a simple machine. In general terms, they are defined as simple mechanisms that use leverage or mechanical advantage to multiply force. Simple machines have few or no moving parts to modify motion and force. Let us learn more about the six simple machines in the following few sections.

The Inclined Plane

An inclined plane is a sloping plane used to raise heavy bodies. Inclined planes make it easier to lift objects to greater heights. There are two ways to raise an object: it can be either raised by lifting it straight up or by pushing it diagonally up.

Lifting an object straight up moves the object in the shortest distance, but a more significant force must be exerted. Using an inclined plane to lift objects requires a smaller force but must be exerted over a long distance. A few everyday examples of inclined planes include sidewalk ramps, highway access ramps, inclined conveyor belts, and switchback roads.

Wheel and Axle

Wheel and axle make work easier by moving objects across distances. The wheel and axle greatly reduce the friction involved in moving an object. The wheel (round ends) turns with the axle(or cylindrical post), causing movement. The wheel is one of the most significant inventions in the history of the world. Before the invention of wheels, the amount of load and the distance through which we could carry the load over land was limited. It is easier to roll a 2000-kilogram block of stone using logs placed underneath it than to push it.


Instead of an axle, a wheel could also rotate a rope, cord, or belt. The variation of the wheel and axle is the pulley. In a pulley, a cord wraps around a wheel. It is a simple machine that is used to change the direction of the force. When the wheel rotates, the cord can move in either direction. By attaching a hook to the cord, the wheel’s rotation can be used to raise or lower objects, making work easier. Various types of pulley help in making a variety of lifting and moving tasks easier. A pulley system is necessary to hoist a flag on a flag pole. A rope is attached to the pulley to raise and lower the flag more easily.


An inclined plane wrapped around a shaft is known as a screw. The two primary functions of a screw are to hold things together or to lift objects. The threading around the shaft in a screw makes it an efficient tool to hold things together. The threads grip the surrounding material like teeth, resulting in a secure hold. A few examples of screws include screw, bolt, clamp, spinning stool, and spiral staircase. A car jack is an example of a screw used to lift something.

A screw converts rotational motion into linear motion. The mechanical advantage depends on the space between the threads and the length of the screw.


A wedge is an object that tapers to a thin edge. Pushing the wedge in one direction creates a force in a sideways direction. It is usually made of metal or wood and is used for splitting, lifting, or tightening, as in securing a hammer head onto its handle. 

It is a simple machine that is used to break apart substances by applying force. 

A nail is a common example of a wedge. In a nail, the force is applied to the wide head area. This applied force is concentrated in a small point area where the force is exerted. At this point, the force is magnified and enables the force to pierce through objects. As the nail sinks into the object, the wedge shape at the point of the nail moves forward and forces the object apart.

The wedge was used in prehistoric times to split logs and rocks; an ax is also a wedge, as are the teeth on a saw. In terms of its mechanical function, the screw may be thought of as a wedge wrapped around a cylinder.

A bottle cap is an example of which simple machine?

Bottlecap is an example of a screw. The cap of the water bottle has a spiral shape. When you place it on the bottle and twist it, the cap pulls itself toward the bottle.

Is Broom a simple machine?

Yes, the broom is an example of a lever. You pivot the handle of the broom at the top (fulcrum), and push the handle near the middle (effort), so the bristles at the other end will sweep across the floor.

What type of simple machine is a doorknob?

A doorknob is an example of a wheel and axle. When you turn the large knob on the door, a rod on the inside releases the latch that holds the door closed. It would be difficult to turn the rod without the knob.


According to where the load and effort are located with respect to the fulcrum, there are three types or classes of lever:

  • First-Class Lever
  • Second Class Lever
  • Third Class Lever

First Class Lever

This is a type of lever which has the fulcrum in between the weight and the force applied. Its order is represented as force-fulcrum-weight. This is the most basic type of lever.


  • Our hand pushing an object or seesaws, crowbars.
  • Using scissors represents the use of two first-class levers.
  • A wheel and axle is also an example.
  • Pulling a nail out of a wooden plank also represents a first-class lever.

Second Class Lever

In this, the fulcrum is at one end and the force applied is on the other end. The weight is situated in the middle of these two. The order of this would be fulcrum-weight-force. The application of force at one end will result in some work done on the other end.


  • Wheelbarrow
  • Staplers
  • Doors or gates
  • Bottle openers
  • Nutcracker
  • Nail clippers

Third Class Lever

These are the levers in which the fulcrum is at one end and the force is applied in the middle and the weight is on the other end. The order is represented as a weight-force-fulcrum. In this case, we have to apply more energy to displace the weight to a longer distance.


  • Fishing rod
  • A broom
  • A baseball bat
  • A bow and arrow
  • Human jaw

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

What is a lever?

A lever is a machine consisting of a beam or rigid rod pivoted at a fixed hinge, or fulcrum. A lever is a rigid body capable of rotating on a point on itself.

Name the different types of lever.

The three different types of lever are:
  • First class lever
  • Second class lever
  • Third class lever

Give some examples of second class levers.

Give some examples of second class levers.
Wheelbarrow, staplers, doors or gates, bottle openers, nutcracker, nail clippers, etc.

State TRUE or FALSE: Fishing rod is a first class lever.

FALSE. Fishing rod is an example of a third class lever.

What are the different parts of a lever?

There are three parts in a lever:
  • Fulcrum – the point at which the lever rotates.
  • Input force (also called the effort) – the force applied to the lever.
  • Output force (also called the load) – the force applied by the lever to move the load.


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